rebirth of the blog

so it's been more years.

Friday, December 31, 2010

coffee and peanut butter toast

…and night terrors about the latest storm, presently moving over arizona into new mexico and beyond: they’re warning the dakotas and and ”northern” minnesota, so it doesn’t sound like it’s coming here, but still i awoke thinking o my god, what if i’m iced in by another one?

well, what? obviously i need to get out of here, i’m making myself nuts. but on the other hand, i don’t need to drive out of here and slide off a cliff, either. likewise, i don’t want to just sit here and then get dumped on again, so do i try to move my car at least up to the big house if i can today? to the folk school lot? what?

i’m going bonkers here, i woke up worrying about this. i set up my sub plans yesterday and emailed the admin; i can email judy today from folk school to warn her about possible further delays and that will get me through till thursday. the only thing i’m running out of is coffee, now, which should last through the weekend anyway. and they’re warning northern minnesota, for god’s sake. the dakotas? not north carolina. cool it. as far as the current weather forecast says, plan to drive out sunday morning, the end.

this has been quite a vacation.  dance week--although i went there yesterday for the afternoon and saw so many friends who were glad to see me--has commenced without me; i don’t even know if i’ll be able to get to the new year’s eve dance tonight, or rather get back from it.  i got almost no painting done (and the one i did work on, warmth, proved prophetic!) and i’m so flustered by all this that i had to reknit the heel on my second ruffly boot sock at least five times, the last this morning, and then lost a knitting needle!  i really just need to get home and chalk this one up, is all.  it was still good, really good, just not at all what i’d imagined.

i handed in my contract for little/middle yesterday, and kisha squealed when she saw me and gave me a big hug.  june’s coming :)

happy new year.


(i found my knitting needle :)

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