rebirth of the blog

so it's been more years.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

massive spring studio clean

*1. put stuff from the room in piles. 2. put piles in their eventual vicinities. **3. cull piles. 4. toss. 5. pull out more stuff ***. 6. repeat from *until studio is studio. 7. switch to new vicinity and repeat from ** to *** until (vicinity) is (vicinity), then 7. ad nauseam. 8. decide to modify schedule better to coordinate with semi-weekly trash collection. 9. bathe.

at this rate i will not get into the studio during spring break, i fear, but it must be done.  plus it will give me time for something else without going on strike as i have been doing.  and it will not cripple me, unless i have done so already. and just maybe i will get something accomplished on it  before the weather makes continuing with it completely unbearable.  and i will flap my arms and fly to the moon.

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