rebirth of the blog

so it's been more years.

Sunday, August 15, 2010


summer is over, i go back to work tomorrow, and i have effectively finished the outlined phases: digging out the fiber studio (spring) the painting space (july) and now the study (august)! i have put all the like with like and have still to arrange and load up the things that need to be put away, but at least they're in their correct vicinities and not in boxes lining the hall and iiving room, etc. now what's left is that putting away and arranging of the smaller closets and shelves (in the studio, the 2 hall closets, and my bedroom clothes closet) over the next few weeks (and labor day weekend?)

and then, when the weather cools, the next phase: clearing out the big storage closets--in the study, and the big one in the living room--so i can use them to pack away the last big things that are just stuffed in there now. thanksgiving week?

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Thursday, August 05, 2010

i needed oven mitts

so i made these yesterday and finished felting them this afternoon. no more burny holes with the batting coming out!

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

and last for today: tile answers needed!

i need ideas for what to do about this:
somehow, while i was storing my school boxes in the dining room, a piece of blue construction paper must have fallen out right under the skylight, and then gotten covered up by more boxes.  at any rate, it transfer printed to my saltillo/terra cotta tile floor:
that's a better isolated image of it.  i need to figure out what to use to get it off.  actually, it seems a bit fainter now than it did a few days ago when i first revealed it; since it's right under the skylight, will the same force that transferred it there eventually  make it disappear, you think?--you know how fugitive blue is, which is how it got there in the first place.  i don't want pristine tiles-- they're saltillo, after all and when i first put them in i even was hoping for the stray chicken footprint/goat hoof, but no-- and i usually relish whatever marks happen, but this purple blotch is just too...

i'm making tipper's pie!

i couldn't resist. the foolproof recipe she posted this morning looked so good i ran right out and bought what i suspect will be the end of this year's special sale blues.

what made it look so good is the tiny number of ready ingredieents called for in relation to such bounteous blueberries!
(i cut down a tad on the butter and sugar, added my own special ingredient to the sugar and egg white on top:)
o dear, look at all those blueberries i have left over. what a shame!

and the winner is:

me! mmmm, i'm eating tipper's pie!:)

this is how far i've gotten

it's all plain knitting from here up.

picked up the yarn for this tiered skirt while in b'town.  started it and ripped it out twice, then lost a needle for a week, then got the yarn bowl and brought it on home.  it's also going to take a very long time.  and i need to finish the skirt i'm already working on first!

it's bigger now, about 6" or so long.  it's going to take awhile.

Monday, August 02, 2010

ain't no cure for the summertime do's

well, i was in north carolina for four whole weeks, during which time i taught fiber arts, had two weeks to myself, and then took a watercolor class! it was glorious, and it even took me four more days to meander on home, mostly because i couldn't quite face it.

but face it i did, and eventually even opened up my new projects on ravelry, about which more in a subsequent post. but this post is to document what i've gotten done on the house so far, and what needs to be done (below, in bold) in the next two weeks, before i go back to school :(

today i really got a prodigious amount done, though. first, i dropped off five more boxes of books at the radio station, which i had culled from their temporary stoage in the study yesterday. then i reshelved the ones remaining (willy nilly, but organizing the things in things is another phase entirely!) and cleared away most of the detritus in the study. so we're back to this now:
turns out it will be a fine place to paint during the summer, when it's just too hot to paint here:
which is the painting space i'd carved out of the dining room a week ago, and is still my main repository for painting, but which turns into an oven on summer afternoon/evenings for the very same reason it's an ideal painting space in other seasons: the skylight.  The study, on the other hand, is darkened as old florida houses always were, and  has this:
a really lovely ceiling fan, one of only two in the house, as i replaced the one i'd put in the bedroom with a chandelier when i thought it had burned out, only to discover that it actually worked when the man took it down, but i had already bought the chandelier. still, it's a very pretty chandelier, as is the unwired one i tied to the fixture in the fiber studio, so i'm not really thinking about re-retrofitting either.

Anyway, the study will be good for taking my watercolors into to work on when the painting space becomes unbearable, and now just needs some more squaring away, and a good cleaning (dust 1/4 inch thick!)  I also ordered a shredder to arrive sometime next week, so i can turn the two decades worth of receipts presently in the study closet into excelsior to pack all the knick-nacks in the house away with, about which more later, so I think i will also clear out the study closet in this phase, to give me more storage room in this phase (even though most closets are definitely next phase!)

Once i got the study culled, i had some boxes of stuff to take back to school:

(the middle box, with no lid, is crammed with art supplies to be taken to school, while the back two are tapestry and heavy quilts that take up too much room; the front one contains knick-nacks to be packed up)

and a bunch of art stuff to go back into the studio:
This has got to happen right away (tomorrow) as the spiffy fiber studio now has got junk in it again! but! there is plenty of shelf space and empty closet space in there, so i just have to get it all put away before the whole thing disappears again!

The other thing that needs to happen is to pack away all the knitting projects currently piled on the hall tree
 as well as those hanging my my bedroom closet or in the chest of drawers, into the empty green tubs in the studio, so i can have room to unpack summer
and hang up the clothes i'll need to get ready for school again. Then i'll just need to figure out how to mask the tons of linens and such that i want but have no idea what to do with

and that will be the end of this phase.

Oh, and i don't want to spend more than two hours per day doing all this, so i can have my last two weeks of studio time, of course! So that's my to-do list.